Home The Church Central Spire Activities Youth

» To deepen members’ relationship with God through the Scriptures which will nurture and empower them to participate actively in the life and ministry of the church.

To foster closer fellowship among members which will inspire and motivate their sense of belongingness in the kingdom of God.

To encourage and challenge members to become faithful stewards of their time, talents & treasures as fruit and manifestation of a true disciple of Christ.

To raise up and develop effective and committed Christian leaders as prime movers in the church ministry, local and external.

To instill the passion and dedication of each member to share and bring souls for Christ and a sense of inclusivity which will facilitate the integration of others into the body of the church.

To provide and effectively utilize adequate resources towards the fulfillment of the various ministries of Central LTMC (such as CMEC, Maritime Ministry, Campus Ministry, etc.).


C.Y. 2003 2004


A church empowered by the Holy Spirit to reach into its constituents (in the urban area) to nurture them as Christian disciples within a caring fellowship toward spiritual maturity and to equip them to reach out in evangelism and social action as:

*A leader in the United Methodist Church connection;

*A resource center for ministries and education; and

*Advocate for social transformation.


For the glory of God and in response to the mandate of the Lord Jesus Christ, “To go and make disciples of all nations, we envision the United Methodist Church in the Manila Episcopal Area that is empowered by God’s Spirit and Word, dynamic, socially responsive and relevant, ecumenical, self reliant and autonomous, through sustained evangelism, works of ‘compassion and justice, prophetic ministry, responsible stewardship and other relevant ministries.
 Click here to visit the MEA UMC website - www.manila-umc.org.ph